UNCTAD-Eora Global Value Chain Database

The UNCTAD-Eora Global Value Chain (GVC) database offers global coverage (189 countries and a “Rest of World” region) and a timeseries from 1990 to 2018 of the key GVC indicators: foreign value added (FVA), domestic value added (DVA) and indirect value added (DVX). Results from 1990 to 2017 are generated from EORA Multi-Region Input-Output tables (MRIOs). Results for 2016-2017 are provisional "beta" results and will be revsied in early 2018. Results for 2018 are nowcasted based on the IMF World Economic Outlook.

To use these data, please refer to the methodological background paper:

Casella, B. , R. Bolwijn, D. Moran and K. Kanemoto. Improving the analysis of global value chains: the UNCTAD-Eora Database. 2019. Transnational Corporations 26(3). New York and Geneva: United Nations

The data provided at this page are provided under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License Creative Commons License. No Eora license is needed to use the data provided at this page. Please note we generally cannot provide support for these files. These results are provdided "as is". Documentation is provided in the papers linked at this page.

FVA: Foreign Value Added which is embodied in this country's exports. This corresponds to the Backward GVC participation component of the GVC participation index.
DVA: Domestic Value Added which is embodied in this country's exports
DVX: Domestic Value Added of this country which is embodied in the exports of other countries. This corresponds to the Forward GVC participation component of the participation index.
VA_exp: Total value added embodied in this country's exports. Equal to DVA+FVA.
GVC: The GVC participation index for this country. Equal to FVA + DVX

Data Downloads

Units: Values are in current year '000 USD (thousand US dollars) unless otherwise specified.

1. Foreign value added embodied in exports, sector-level detail, 1990 - 2022

Sector-by-sector matrix reporting, for each exporting sector in each country, the value added contributed by all other sectors and countries in the world. Rows show the country-sector originating the VA and columns show the country-sector exporting that VA. The algorithm to compute these results using the Eora data files is full described in the papers under "Other Useful Material" below.
For users who wish to skip this step and download pre-computed results, the pre-computed sector-level data can be unlocked via purchasing a license at the online store. Downloads are provided as .csv files.
For the Full Eora model, the sector label metadata is defined here: indices.zip.
For the Eora26 model, the sector label metadata is defined here: indices.zip.

2. Main GVC indicators by country, 1990 - 2018

Table reporting for each country the main GVC indicators for all available years: foreign value added (FVA), domestic value added (DVA) and indirect value added (DVX).

3. Country by country breakdown, 1990 - 2018

Country-by-country matrix reporting, for each exporting country, the value added contributed by all other countries in the world. Rows show the country originating the VA and columns show the country exporting that VA. Available for all years from 1990 to 2018. Downloadable as a binary .mat file (readable in MATLAB, Octave, Python, and R) or as a ZIP package with one CSV file per year.

4. For each country/sector of exports, VA contribution by each other country in the world, 1990 - 2017

Country by country/sector matrix reporting, for each country/sector of exports, the value added contributed by all other countries in the world. Rows show the country originating the VA and columns show the country/sector exporting that VA. Available for all years from 1990 to 2017. Downloadable as a ZIP package with one CSV file per year.

5. For each country of exports, VA contribution by each other country/sector in the world, 1990 - 2017

Country/sector by country matrix reporting, for each country of exports, the value contributed by all other country/sector in the world. Rows show the country/sector originating the VA and columns show the country exporting that VA. Available for all years from 1990 to 2017. Downloadable as a ZIP package with one CSV file per year.

6. Foreign value added by industry, 2017

Table reporting for each country/industry tuplet the share of foreign value added in export. Year 2017.

Other useful material

Where are more papers I can read to learn about how GVC is calculated?

In addition to the main paper linked above there are other papers which describe GVC analysis. For an introduction to the calculation of trade in value added based on the Eora Input-Ouput database, see the IMF Working Paper "Calculating Trade in Value Added" (Aslam et al., 2017). Another recommended introductory paper is "Mapping Global Value Chains" (De Backer & Miroudot, 2013). This latter paper includes the formula for calculating a GVC Participation Index.

Another site with a good introduction to GVC analysis and many resources is the Global Value Chain Initiative at Duke University.

Why do some countries have 0 values?

Due to insufficient data quality, the following countries should be excluded from this GVC analysis: Belarus, Benin, Burkina Faso, Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Guinea, Guyana, Libya, Moldova, Serbia, Sudan, Yemen, Zimbabwe, Former USSR.

Diagnostic graphs

A number of diagnostic and quality check graphs are available here: Diagnostic quality check charts